It would leave a pile of it on the end of the barrel when the ramrod scraped going down and you could scrape it off with your fingernail. The original finish was very dark and greasy. So I cut off the metal buttplate and put on a recoil pad, inlaid a piece of Australian lacewood where the buttplate came up over the top of the stock. It didn’t fit into my shoulder with both points spearing me on recoil, had no interest in moving it out to my upper arm, would snag coming up on heavy winter clothing (our season here starts Dec 26), after a couple years the steel started to rust from being gouged from resting it on rocks. I didn’t like the U shaped hooked metal buttplate. That made the trigger VERY nice, similar to what the renegade always had. I took it apart and ground the sear shorter and polished the mating surfaces. It would drag and snag a few times before firing. The trigger was very bad, had a long heavy pull but the worst was that it was like pressure between 2 gritty surfaces. Renegade has a short barrel that works great in northeast treestands and brush but I wanted something longer for western hunts. 13 January 2014, 03:30 TundragrizI’ve had mine for 10 years.